REL 3000 Faith Over Fear: Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination

The Faith Over Fear: Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination training helps faith and community leaders reduce and counter anti-Muslim bias, discrimination, racism, and violence in the United States. Participants will deepen their understanding of Islamophobia and anti-Muslim discrimination in the United States, improve their skills and confidence to speak against anti-Muslim rhetoric and discrimination, and they will explore strategies to increase community discussions and actions to counter anti-Muslim bigotry more effectively in their own contexts. Faith Over Fear uses compelling videos featuring experts and practitioners in the field paired with online self-guided learning modules.
Shoulder to Shoulder · September 22, 2022

Faith Over Fear: Countering Anti-Muslim Discrimination

Since 2018, the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign has worked with national and local partners and leading experts to develop and offer the “Faith Over Fear” training programs.

Faith Over Fear reduces and counters anti-Muslim bias, discrimination, and violence in the United States by working with faith and community leaders to:

  1. Improve skills (and confidence) to speak against anti-Muslim rhetoric and discrimination
  2. Increase community discussions to effectively counter anti-Muslim discrimination
  3. Build stronger local multi-religious networks

Faith Over Fear includes the following topics:

  1. Analyze Islamophobia and anti-Muslim bigotry in the United States by examining the historical context and understanding the contemporary challenges;
  2. Communicate for Change by learning how to transform a demeaning culture filled with untruthful and harmful notions by empowering communities to make meaning of their shared values based on accurate and generative language; and
  3. Implement Engagement Strategies by utilizing proven tactics to dilute anti-Muslim bigotry while promoting peaceful coexistence.


Nina M. Fernando

Executive Director
The Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign

Cassandra Lawrence

Communications and Community Engagement Manager
The Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign

+4 enrolled
Not Enrolled
6 hours

adult education, high school, college, graduate, professional development

Civic Education for a Common Good

We apply the U.S. Department of Education’s Consensus Statements about Constitutional Approaches for Teaching about Religion

▸ Our approach to religion is academic, not devotional;
▸ We strive for student awareness of religions, but do not press for student acceptance of any religion;
▸ We sponsor the study about religion, not the practice of religion;
▸ We expose students to a diversity of religious views, but may not impose any particular view;
▸ We educate about all religions, we do not promote or denigrate any religion;
▸ We inform students about religious beliefs and practices, it does not seek to conform students to any particular belief or practice.

We apply the American Academy of Religion’s “Religious Literacy Guidelines”

▸ “Religious Literacy Guidelines for College Students.” American Academy of Religion, 2019.
▸ “Teaching About Religion: AAR Guidelines for K-12 Public Schools.” American Academy of Religion, April 2010.

We apply the National Council for the Social Studies C3 Frameworks for Religious Studies

College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards, “Religious Studies Companion Document for the C3 Framework.” Silver Spring, MD: National Council for the Social Studies, 2017.